How to restrict a template to a specific cost zone

How To

How do I restrict templates for use in a cost specific zone or zones?

Follow these steps

Some multi-store organizations use cost zones to manage products across different regions. These organizations can restrict what cost zones have access to templates created in the primary environment. This can help prevent stores in one zone from accidentally printing templates with another zone's product information. 

To restrict a template for use in a specific zone, follow these steps.

  1. Login to your organization's primary environment.
  2. Go to Settings > Advanced > Template Manager.
  3. Locate the template you wish to restrict. Click on the template Type to open the settings.
  4. Under Restrict to cost zones, select the cost zones where the template is available. In this example, my template is only available in stores in my organization that belong to the Alberta (AB) cost zone. Press Submit to save your changes.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What if I don't know my organization's cost zones?
    For a report detailing all of the stores in your organization, login to the primary environment and generate a Location List. Go to Reporting (Beta) > Report List > Multi-store data maintenance and select Location List. Use the Optional Columns tab to include Cost Zone.
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