What does disabling web product or deactivating a product in GlobalTill do on Shopify?



  • What is the effect of disabling web status or deactivating a product in GlobalTill on Shopify
  • What does disabling web product or deactivating a product in GlobalTill do on Shopify?
  • What happens when I uncheck web product on Shopify?
  • What happens when I uncheck active on Shopify?


When you disable web status for a product in GlobalTill, the product is removed from the API and will no longer be available on your Shopify site. In-active products are removed from your Shopify site. Your product information will still be stored in GlobalTill, and you can re-activate or re-enable web status for the same product later on.

Please note that if you decide to re-activate or re-enable web status for the same product, you will have to remove the original Shopify Product ID and sync the product as a new item to re-establish the connection.

To delete and regenerate a Shopify Product ID after web status is turned back on or a product is re-activated, go to the Web Data tab, select Shopify Sync > Delete Shopify ID. Then select Shopify > Full Product Update to sync the product to Shopify with a new Shopify ID.

Please be aware that due to the nature of web integrations, there may be variations in behavior. Custom development work done on your Shopify site may cause it to deviate from the default behavior. However, in a standard site where products are created in GlobalTill and successfully linked to Shopify via Shopify Product ID, disabling the web status or deactivating it should effectively remove the product from your site.

To ensure that this process works for you, we recommend testing it out first. Find a product in GT, turn off web status, select Shopify Sync > Full Update, then check to see if the product is removed from Shopify. This will give you a better understanding of how it works and help you make informed decisions.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What happens to my product on Shopify when I disable web status in GlobalTill?
    When you disable web status for a product in GlobalTill, the product is removed from the API and will no longer be available on your Shopify site.
  2. Can I re-enable web status or re-activate the same product later on?
    Yes, you can re-enable web status or re-activate the same product. However, you will have to remove the original Shopify Product ID in GlobalTill and sync the product as a new item to re-establish the connection. To do this, go to the Web Data tab, select Shopify Sync > Delete Shopify ID. Then select Shopify > Full product update to sync with a new Shopify ID.
  3. Will my product information be lost if I disable web status or inactivate it?
    No, your product information will still be stored in GlobalTill. Disabling web status only removes the product from the API and your Shopify site. Deactivated products remain in your database in inactive status.
  4. Why is my product still in my Shopify store after deactivating it in GlobalTill?
    When you deactivate a product in GlobalTill, it may still appear on your Shopify site if you rely on the live or hourly inventory sync. This is because the active and non-active designation is part of the product attributes that sync nightly. To immediately remove the product from your Shopify site after deactivating it in GlobalTill, navigate to the Web Data tab and select Shopify Sync, followed by Full Update. This will ensure that the product is taken down from your site promptly and prevent any accidental sales between the time the product is modified and when the next full sync runs.
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