How to locate supplier information

How To

How do I locate supplier information? What is the difference between the supplier info tab and the supplier price records?

Follow these steps

The GT Backend offers two primary locations to find supplier information.

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Because the Supplier Info Tab and the Supplier Price Records contain the same information, if you change the information in one area it will be updated in the other.

Supplier Info Tab

Each product has a Supplier Info tab, which houses supplier price records for each product. If a product is sold through multiple suppliers, you will see multiple supplier records under this tab.

In some industries, each province or region will have its own supplier to capture the distinct costs/suppliers for a given set of products.

These records may differ depending on whether you are a single store, multi-store, or main environment. Some records will not be populated or relevant depending on your industry (or even who your suppliers are).

The GlobalTill supplier is the provider of a product or service.
Supplier Code
A unique code and primary identifier a supplier uses for a product
Default Cost Zones (Multi-store)
The list of cost zones where the supplier is designated as the default supplier. This populates the supplier wholesale price when the record is synced.
Available Cost Zones (Multi-store)
The list of cost zones where the product is available to buy.
Supplier Wholesale Price
The Supplier price is the price paid when purchasing this product from the supplier.
Supplier Wholesale List Price
The supplier price without any discounts applied.
Standard Discount
The discount expressed as a percentage from the list price.
ISO Discount
Initial Store Opening Discount - This is a discount that is typically provided to new store openings and varies based on brand/supplier. It is not used within GT with the exception of generating a PO with ISO discounts factored in.
Other Discount
If the supplier uses other discounts, this field can be used to record them.
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price High
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price Low
MSRP Other
MSRP is the product’s MSRP if the supplier doesn’t have high or low bands.
Units per Case
The number of individual items that make up a case or also the numbers of inners in an outer pack.
Price Change
Case Full Cost (all in)
Full Case/Pack Cost including any deposits and taxes
Unit Full Cost (all in)
Full individual Unit Cost including any deposits and taxes
Case Cost Base (no tax/deposit)
Case/Pack base cost
Unit Cost Base (no tax/deposit)
Unit base cost
Compliance UPS Code
UPC code for regulated markets such as cannabis.

Supplier Price Records

The very same supplier information can also be located in the Supplier Price Records. However, because the information is presented in a table format, you can view, hide, sort, and filter multiple supplier records at once. Select Supplier > Supplier Price Records.

More Information

For more information, see the article How to use supplier price records list.

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