Early Access Program policy


  • GlobalTill engages with clients and solution partners to gather feedback on new software, features, and products before they generally become available.
  • We don’t publish roadmaps with specific release dates.
  • Features in Early Access Program releases are not guaranteed to be available in the finished product.
  • Access to Early Access Program releases/features may be rescinded without prior notice.
  • Use of Early Access Program software should be limited in production environments without an in-depth understanding of relevant risks.

What is the GT Early Access Program (EAP)?

GlobalTill recognizes the benefits of engaging with our clients and solution partners to test new software releases, new features, and to gather feedback and insights to further product development. Participation in the GT Early Access Program is a great way to maintain familiarity with the software and steer the direction of new feature development based on your organization’s specific use of GlobalTill.

EAP releases are still under development, may be inoperable or incomplete, and likely contain more errors and defects/bugs than generally available products. In any case, EAP releases should never be used for critical business functions where no suitable alternatives exist.

Forms of EAP Software

  • Access to GT Backend features not visible to the public and before general release
  • Access to new GT Backend settings/functions within existing features before general release
  • Prerelease access to entirely new products before the official release (e.g., GT Mobile)
  • Prerelease access to alpha/beta versions of existing products (e.g., GT POS alpha/beta releases)

Early Access Program Support

Early Access Program (EAP) releases remain governed by the GT standard New Feature Policy, Defect Fix Policy, and Support & Service Policy (Direct), with the following notable exceptions:

  • EAP software support is subject to additional processing times. It is not subject to any SLA agreements, even when one has been negotiated.
  • Defect fixes are prioritized lower than most other defects reported for our generally available software.
  • New feature requests are typically flagged EAP and placed into Deferred status immediately so that the product team can accumulate feedback and review holistically.
  • Defect reports are typically flagged EAP and placed into Long term backlog status immediately so that the development team can accumulate defect reports and optimize development resources.

Terms of Use for EAP Releases

We may offer certain Products (including some GT Apps) to you at no additional charge, including free accounts, trial use, and Alpha/Beta Versions, collectively known as “EAP releases.” Your use of EAP releases is subject to any additional terms that we specify. It is only permitted during the Subscription Term we designate (or, if not designated, until terminated in accordance with these Terms). Except as otherwise outlined in the End User License Agreement, the terms and conditions of these Terms governing Cloud Products, including restrictions, fully apply to EAP Releases. We may modify or terminate your right to use EAP Releases at any time and for any reason in our sole discretion, without liability to you. You understand that any prerelease and Alpha/Beta Products, and any prerelease and beta features within generally available Cloud Products, that we make available (collectively, “EAP Versions”) are still under development, may be inoperable or incomplete and are likely to contain more errors and bugs than generally available Products. We make no promises that any Alpha/Beta Versions will ever be made generally available. In some circumstances, we may charge a fee in order to allow you to access Alpha/Beta Versions, but the Alpha/Beta Versions will remain subject to this section. All information regarding the characteristics, features, or performance of any EAP Releases (including Alpha/Beta Versions) constitutes our Confidential Information. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all obligations or liabilities with respect to EAP Releases, including any Support, warranty, and indemnity obligations. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING ELSE IN THESE TERMS, OUR MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU IN RESPECT OF NO-CHARGE PRODUCTS WILL BE CA$100.

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