Getting Started with GT Reporting

GlobalTill's new reporting module, GT Reporting, allows you to run a wide variety of reports to understand your store's operations better.

To get started with GT Reporting, we recommend you read the following articles:

Standard features

GT Reporting offers the following features:

  • Excel and PDF as standard on most reports
  • All reports stored in a permanent archive
  • Multi-store reports 
  • Documented report specifications and guidance
  • Unique report identifier for easy tracking, troubleshooting, and review 
  • GT Integrity Assurance that validates Excel and PDF files against a cryptographic signature to verify reports have not been altered since they were downloaded from the GT execution environment.
  • Custom SQL access is subject to an additional monthly fee and provides direct SQL access via a dedicated read-replica database instance just for your organization. This feature allows you to use the GT Backend with services like Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and other analytics packages.

Report types

Here are the standard reports offered in GT Reporting:

Sales Summary
Summarized sales reports that contain aggregated sales information.
Sales Detail
Includes detailed information about specific products or transactions.
Sales Comparative
Used to compare sales performance.
Sales Metrics
Common retail reporting metrics like sales per hour.
Payment and Gift Card
Reports on payments, gift card balances, and transactions.
Supplier Purchases
Purchases made by entering supplier invoices into the GT Backend.
Customer & Loyalty
Relating to customer activity and loyalty programs.
Customer A/R
Related to accounts receivable, including breakdowns of payments specific to A/R as well as receivables aging.
Inventory valuation information as well as count variances.
Relating to specific product information.
Ordering reports are combination reports that include information about inventory levels and recent sales history, making them great for replenishment.
Reports that are specific to the Cannabis industry.
Data Maintenance
Used to manage your GT database (such as duplicate supplier code identification).
Special exports like QuickBooks-specific format, or more general data dumps.

Multi-store reports

Multi-store customers will see an additional set of reporting menus. Multi-store reports are separated into their own menus as many of the reports are presented differently to make them more useful for analysis. Multi-store reports include:

Multi-Store Sales
Multi-Store Purchases
Multi-Store Ordering
Multi-Store Inventory
Multi-Store Data Maintenance
Multi-Store Other

Frequently asked questions

  1. Why does my report display Net Returns if the # of Returns is 0?
    Sales figures are calculated on the invoice line item level, rather than the invoice-level.
  2. Should I use gross sales figures or net sales figures?
    Most retailers report their revenue net of returns and discounts, and so you typically want to reference net sales, rather than gross. If in doubt, we recommend you ask your accountant.
  3. Why is it called net sales?
    Net sales refer to sales, net of returns and discounts. This may not be your final net sales figure after other adjustments are made outside of GlobalTill.
  4. How long do reports take to generate?
    While most reports take a matter of seconds, reports can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 hour to generate depending on the level of complexity and length. Excel-based reports run faster and are more efficient. Reports that take longer than usual to generate will be marked with an hour glass icon.

  5. Can I email a report to myself or others?
    In addition to the ability to download, every report can be emailed to a single email or a list of emails separated by commas.

  6. What report formats are available?
    Most reports are available in Excel and PDF. Some reports may only be available in Excel if they contain a large number amount of data.

  7. Why aren't all columns optional?
    We do not allow for the removal of the columns when the information contained is so important to the meaning of the report that removing the column would make the report useless. We suggest downloading the Excel version and manually removing them if you would like them removed.

  8. What is a certified report?
    A certified report is a report that has undergone GlobalTill's rigorous quality assurance and review processes. These reports reflect the best available reporting in GlobalTill that we recommend clients use. You can identify certified reports by the green checkmark icon beside the report name. Reports that are not yet certified can be identified by the Beaker icon beside the report name.
  9. Are certified reports error-free?
    Accuracy and completeness in reporting are determined not only by the reporting engine but the quality of data you input and the processes you follow in your business. Our certification process requires the data entered by users to accurately reflect what occurred in the store.

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