What is a data field

What is…

What is a data field? What data fields are available in the visual template editor?

Data fields are information that the GT Backend makes available to the visual label editor during the label generation process. This represents all of the possible information from your GlobalTill database than can be used for printing.

With product labels for example, data fields are product attributes (such as brand, SKU, size, category) that you can use to create your custom label.

Fields and Lists

There are two types of data fields you can use in the visual template editor, fields and lists. Fields represent a single piece of data, for example the product name or category. Lists represent multiple pieces of data, for example, product images or product barcodes. Because each product can have more than one image or barcode, there is a special way that we need to access them in the editor using a container.

Product Data Fields

Description Name in Visual Editor Type
SKU sku Field
Product Name product_name Field
Category category Field
Category category Field
SubCategory subcategory Field
SubSubCategory subsubcategory Field
Other Category other_category Field
Size size Field
Inventoried inventoried Field
Taxable taxable Field
Discountable discountable Field
Unit Cost cost Field
Cost Average cost_average Field
Retail Price (Unit Sell) retail_price Field
Related Product (Deposit) related_product Field
Default Units per Case default_units_per_case Field
POS Equivalent Grams equivalent_g Field
Extra Description One extra_description_one Field
Extra Description Two extra_description_two Field
Extra Numerical Description One extra_description_numerical_one Field
Extra Numerical Description Two extra_description_numerical_two Field
Shelf Location shelf_location Field
Shelf Location (2nd) shelf_location_two Field
Related Product (Deposit) related_product Field
Default Supplier supplier Field
Sub Supplier / Sub Vendor sub_supplier Field
Brand brand Field
Related Product (Deposit) related_product Field
Long Description long_description Field
Date Printed date_printed Field
Web Name web_name Field
Price Book Prices price_book_prices List
Barcodes barcodes List
Supplier Price Records supplier_records List
Promotional Sale Prices promotional_prices List
Product Images images List
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