How to enable over picking on mobile

How To

How do I enable over picking on mobile?

Follow these steps

Over picking allows you to pick more units than what was originally ordered on the customer order.

When would you want to over pick a customer order?

Over picking is most commonly used in wholesale fulfillment situations, or any time when payment has not yet been received. Some situations include:

  • Substitute product sizes (e.g. providing 4 x Baileys 750 mL rather than 2 x Baileys 750 mL and 1 x Baileys 1.14 L).
  • Accommodate the request for additional quantities after the order was submitted (additional quantities then captured on order conversion to invoice).

Over picking is not recommended in eCommerce fulfillment where payment has been received, as this would require contacting the customer and collecting additional payment.

To enable over picking, follow these steps.

  1. From the Home screen, select the Menu icon.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Under Orders, enable Allow Over Picking.
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