Getting Started with Printing and Templates

Customize your store's shelf labels, invoices, quotes, customer statements, and pick lists all within the GT Backend. While a set of default templates are provided, some users choose to create their own design using the template manager. There are two type of templates available.

  • Visual Editor Templates. Part of GlobalTill's new template system, the visual editor is a convenient tool equipped with a drag-and-drop editor. For more information, see the article Getting Started with the Visual Template Editor
  • Microsoft Word Templates. GlobalTill's legacy template system, Microsoft Word templates use  a set of predefined variables to create templates in Microsoft Word. While we have no plans to discontinue Word templates, we recommend using the visual editor. For more information about creating a label in Word, see the article How to create shelf labels using Microsoft Word.

Frequently asked questions

  1. How do I tell the difference between Visual Editor and Microsoft Word templates in the GT Backend?
    In the Template Listing page, located at Settings > Advanced > Template Manager, you'll see a legend that denotes the type of the template.

    All Microsoft Word templates include a URL to click to download the template to make edits. Visual Editor templates are modified within GT, you'll see a pencil next to the template name that launches the visual editor.
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