What are inventory locations

What is…

What are inventory locations and how are they used?

Inventory locations are non-physical locations used to house products in your store that do not belong in the main inventory location. Inventory locations are determined by the end-user and can be configured to meet your store's specific requirements.  Some common examples of inventory locations and their use-case include:

A product is damaged and cannot be sold, but has not yet been returned to, or accepted for return by, the supplier. A retailer may choose to store the damaged unit(s) in this inventory location while waiting to process the return of the physical product to the supplier.
A product has been recalled and can no longer be sold. A retailer may choose to store the recalled unit(s) in this inventory location while waiting for further guidance from the supplier on how to move forward (e.g. advised to return the product, advised to destroy the product, etc.).
Sensory Display
A product is used for sensory display and is not available for sale. A retailer may choose to store the unit(s) in this inventory location rather than record it as a sale or a loss

More Information

If you would like to set up inventory locations in GlobalTill, reach out to support or your GT account contact.

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