What is the EPL box on the pricing tab

What is…

What is the EPL (Electronic Pricing List) box on the pricing tab and what information can I find here?


This is an additional information box for British Columbia liquor retailers that contains Electronic Price List (EPL) product information. Descriptions of each field are summarized in the table below.

Name Description
Current LDB Cost What the product would cost today if you purchased from the LDB. This will match the current wholesale cost on the B.C. Data tab.
Agent Refers to the person or company appointed by the manufacturer/producer/supplier to act as its agent in BC.
Supplier Refers to the manufacturer, producer or distributor of the liquor and is the seller of the liquor to the LDB.
Listing Type In B.C., all beverage alcohol products are defined by an LDB product listing code. Please refer to the LDB listing code definition sheet to learn more.
Listing Type 2 In B.C., all beverage alcohol products are defined by an LDB product listing code. Please refer to the LDB listing code definition sheet to learn more.
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