What are the retail pricing rule options specific to British Columbia liquor stores

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This article is designed to provide additional information on the use of retail pricing rules for British Columbia liquor retailers. For general information on how retail pricing rules work in GlobalTill, see the articles What is a retail pricing rule and How to create a retail pricing rule

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What are the retail pricing rule options specific to British Columbia liquor stores?


Retail pricing rule options specific to British Columbia liquor stores and their use case include:

Option Use Case
Price based on*: Highest of last ordered cost, cost average and BC LDB cost (base) This BC LDB cost is the current cost of the product in the EPL. If you purchase an item from the LDB on sale and have this option selected, it might get priced based off the discounted sale price.
Price based on*: Highest of last ordered cost, cost average and MAX BC LDB cost (base)

The MAX BC LDB cost is the highest LDB cost for the last six months. This is often used when you want to price to the regular LDB cost and skip over any limited time sale prices.

Many retailers like this option because it prevents them from unintentionally setting their prices lower when they purchase a product at a temporarily lower price.

The downside to this rule is that legitimate price drops may not trigger a price decrease in GlobalTill for a period of 6 months, so it is important to maintain other means of awareness when suppliers decrease prices.
Checkbox: Match BC Liquor Stores  When this is checked off GlobalTill will match the price to the Government Liquor Store price (provided the product has a GLS price and the GLS price has been updated in the last 30 days).
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