What is inventory status

What is…

What is an inventory status in GlobalTill and what does each status represent?


Inventory status is a distinction of inventory that allows organizations to determine stock that is available or not available for sale, and review stock levels that should be taken into account for planning and ordering. 

The table below outlines each status and their definitions according to GlobalTill.

Status Definition
Available for Sale This represents what is currently available for purchase. GlobalTill displays the Available for Sale inventory status as on hand minus any units in Dedicated to Customers.
Dedicated to Customers The number of items on open customer orders. This essentially means that the product, while on hand, may not be available for purchase.
Coming for Stock Coming for Stock displays how much of an item is on unposted Supplier Invoices. This provides visibility on what items may be out of stock and provides a quick check to see what future inventory stock levels might look like.
Pending Return to Vendor Pending Return to Vendor displays how much of an item is on unposted reverse Supplier Invoices.
Minimum Desired Qty Minimum Desired Qty is a setting used in automated ordering. This number represents the designated minimum inventory level for this product at any given point in time.


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