How to generate a printable list of uncounted products

How To

How do I print a list of uncounted products in an inventory count?

Follow these steps

The variance report displays a list of uncounted products in a count that can be reviewed in the GlobalTill UI. To generate a list of uncounted products in a count that can be printed, follow these steps.

  1. From a count, select Actions to reveal the different print options.

    • Count Sheet (by QTY). PDF download of all uncounted products sorted by Quantity on Hand (highest to lowest).
    • Count Sheet (by Name). PDF download of all uncounted products sorted by Product Name from A - Z.
    • Uncounted (inc 0) Excel. Excel spreadsheet of all uncounted products including those with a quantity on hand of zero.
    • Uncounted (excl 0) Excel. Excel spreadsheet of all uncounted products excluding those with a quantity on hand of zero.

More Information

For more information about inventory counts, see the articles:

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