How to download a Microsoft Word template

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This article applies to Microsoft Word based templates only. Edits to Visual Editor templates take place within the GlobalTill UI and templates can be configured to sync between locations automatically.

How To

How do I download a copy of an existing template from my template listing?

Follow these steps

Download an existing Word template to edit and upload back into your template listing instead of starting a new one from scratch. Multi-store users can download a template from one store to upload into another.

To download a copy of a Microsoft Word template from your template listing, follow these steps.

  1. Select Settings > Advanced > Template Manager.
  2. Select the name of the template to download it.
  3. The template will download, select the file to open it.

More Information

For more information about how to upload a Word template into your template listing, see the article How to upload a Microsoft Word template.

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