How to create a supplier

How To

How do I create a supplier in GlobalTill?

Follow these steps

To create a new supplier, follow these steps.

    1. Select Purchasing > Supplier List.
    2. Select Actions > New Supplier.
    3. Enter the Supplier Name (required).
    4. Check Active to make the supplier active in GlobalTill and visible from the supplier dropdown.
    5. Enter the remaining optional fields and select Submit. Most fields are self-explanatory, but fields of note are below.
Default Tax Rate
The default tax rate applied to the PO. 5% is entered as .05, not 5.
Price Includes Taxes
Check this box if the supplier includes taxes in the supplier purchase price. When enabled, GlobalTill automatically removes the tax from the unit cost of the product when it's added to a supplier invoice to avoid double taxation.
Auto Subtract Deposit
Check this box if the supplier includes the container deposit in the supplier purchase price. When enabled, GlobalTill removes the deposit price from the unit cost of the product when it's added to a supplier invoice to avoid double charging deposits.
Alternate ID
An alternate ID typically used in integrations with other systems where GlobalTill needs to report on an ID other than the primary supplier ID.
Scan Inners
Check this box to scan individual units when receiving product from this supplier. When unchecked, units are scanned in per case at receive.
Sub Vendor
Check this box to flag the supplier as a sub vendor.
The default email used when emailing POs upon creation, or direct from the PO screen in the GT Backend.
Supplier Group
Industry specific supplier group designation for bulk generation and distribution of POs.
Convert to SI Units
Check this box to convert all cases as single units when converting a PO to supplier invoice.
Auto Close PO on Conversion
Check this box automatically close the purchase order when it is converted to a supplier invoice.
US Foreign Suppliers
Check this box to flags the supplier as a US or foreign market supplier (used with specialized pricing module).
Minimum Case Pack for Order
Used for suppliers that require minimum purchase quantities on purchase orders. When enabled, GlobalTill displays a warning when a PO is below the minimum case pack threshold.
Minimum Dollar Value for Order
Used for suppliers that require minimum dollar value on purchase orders. When enabled, GlobalTill displays a warning when a PO is below the minimum dollar threshold.
Never Overwrite Default Supplier
Check to ensure GlobalTill designates the supplier as the default supplier for a product unless manually re-assigned. When unchecked, GlobalTill updates a product's default supplier when it is received and posted on a supplier invoice.
External ID
Used in select integrations for mapping to external supplier IDs.
Notes to be displayed within the Purchase Order system for this supplier.

More Information

For more information, see the article What are price include taxes and auto subtract deposit.

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