How to issue and apply credit on an invoice

How To

How do I issue and apply a credit on a customer invoice in the GT Backend?

Follow these steps

Step 1: Create a credit.
  1. Select Selling > Invoices.
  2. Use the invoice Search feature to locate the customer invoice that needs a credit. For example, by searching on a customer's name, you can bring up all of their invoices, whether outstanding, paid, or in need of credit.
  3. Select Edit on the invoice with the negative balance, which indicates an overpayment.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the invoice and select Issue Credit.

  5. Select the Payment Method, verify the Amount, and select Save Credit.

Step 2: Apply the credit.
  1. Select View or Edit on the invoice that will have the credit applied method.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the invoice and select Apply Credit from Account.
  3. Choose the credit and select Submit.

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