How to create or edit a category

How To

How do I create or edit a category? 

Follow these steps

To create a category, follow these steps. To edit the settings of an existing category, follow steps 1 - 2 and then click on the category name you wish you edit.

  1. Select Products > Product Management.
  2. Select Category Manager.
  3. Select the Wrench Icon > New Category.
  4. Enter the category settings and select Submit. See table below for definitions of each field.

Category settings explained

Setting Details
Retail price rule for the category Applies the selected retail price to all products in this category.
Product category The name of the category.
Price books enabled or disabled check box Determines whether retail minus price book pricing will or will not apply to products in this category. Often left unchecked for categories like container deposits.
Display name The customer facing name displayed on invoices and in select integrations.
Price book discountable through a retail minus price book Disables discounts from retail minus price books. Often used to prevent discounts on a category of items such as container deposits.
Tax rates Determines which tax rates apply to this category.
Case price book discount Default price price book referenced when products in the category are sold by the case.
Discountable Determines whether or not discounts can be applied to this category.
Label colour The HTML colour value for any labels printed in this category.
Connected quantity buffer When using GlobalTill with external services like Shopify, menu boards, or web portals, optionally buffer the inventory by this quantity to ensure walk-in retail operations will not affect other channels
Order number Determines the placement of the column for this category in select reporting.


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