What are the status page and broadcast messages

What is…

What are the status page and broadcast messages?

At GlobalTill, we understand your time is essential so we don’t send out email blasts unless absolutely necessary. We do, however, offer a couple of other ways to communicate relevant information.

Status Page

The GlobalTill Status Page is a website designed to report any downtime or system-wide outages. Visit the status page at any time or Subscribe to Updates to receive email notifications when there is a widespread disruption to services.

Emailed updates from the status page are related to maintenance alerts and service disruptions only. Don't worry—if you opt-in to updates from the status page, you won't receive promotional materials or product updates.


Status Page Widget

If you don’t want to subscribe or visit another website, we’ve got you covered! We also offer a Status Page Widget within the Intercom Chat that lets you know of any system-wide issues.


Intercom Broadcast Messages

From time to time, we use Intercom to share specific product updates or significant changes to the GT Backend. Usually, you'll see this message appear as a chat that pops up on the particular pages where there's a new feature, or where a feature has had significant updates. We use these messages sparingly out of the awareness that overuse often leads to messages being ignored. 


Intercom messages are only sent once. If you share accounts, or regularly leave your account logged in, you might miss them. If you share accounts, or regularly leave your account logged in, we recommend setting up a secondary login to check periodically for these notifications.

Future State

Our team is working on publishing release notes with updates for both the GT Backend and POS.

We're also considering a periodic GlobalTill Newsletter that you can opt-in to receive directly to your Inbox. The newsletter will include all the latest news on updates, integrations, product updates, best practices, and tips and tricks to make the most of GlobalTill. Stay tuned!

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