How to regenerate a sale generated with Sale Wizard

How to

How do I regenerate a sale to include new products that were purchased or created after the initial sale wizard generation?

Follow these steps

Sale wizard references user defined criteria to apply a percentage discount to a group of products at once. Sales created with the wizard don't update automatically. If you generate a sale based on a category and add new products to that category at a later date, the new products aren't added to the sale automatically.

Regenerate Sale allows you to refresh an existing sale to capture new products or changes in products from the time the sale was originally generated or last regenerated.

To regenerate a sale created with the wizard, follow these steps.

Step 1: Regenerate the Sale

  1. Select Products > Promotions > Sale Management.
  2. Select the Name of the sale you wish to regenerate.
  3. Select Actions > Regenerate Sale.
  4. Any new products, or products with changes, that meet the sale wizard criteria will be added to the existing sale. In this example, I created two new products in my store under the subsubcategory Alberta. By selecting Actions > Regenerate Sale, these two products, Widget X and Widget M, are added to the existing sale.
  5. Select Actions > Go Back.

Step 2: Activate the sale using Apply Sale Pricing

  1. Select Products > Promotions > Sale Management.
  2. Select Actions > Apply Sale Pricing.
  3. Select Submit. This reviews all sales in the promotional sale list and activates them based on start date. Activated sales are highlighted in green.

Step 3: Reload data at the POS

  1. From the left hand side bar of the POS, select the Product List.
  2. Select Reload products.

More Information

For more information, see the article How to generate a sale with Sale Wizard.

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