How to create or edit a subcategory

How To

How do I create or edit a subcategory? 

Follow these steps

To create a subcategory, follow these steps. To edit the settings of an existing subcategory, follow steps 1 - 2, then skip to step 5.

  1. Select Products > Product Management.
  2. Select Category Manager.
  3. Select the Wrench Icon > New SubCategory.
  4. Enter the subcategory name and select Submit. You will be returned to the Category Listings screen.
  5. To edit subcategory settings, select the name of the subcategory you wish to edit.editsettings.png
  6. Enter the subcategory settings and select Submit. See table below for definitions of each field.

Subcategory settings explained

Setting Details
Product category The name of the subcategory.
Display name text The customer facing name displayed on invoices and in select integrations.
Other description A custom field used in select integrations, often for product mapping. For more information, contact GlobalTill support.
Order number Determines the placement of the column for this category in select reporting.
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