How to reverse and edit a supplier invoice

  Before you start

One option to receive a missed product on an already posted supplier invoice is to simply create a new supplier invoice with the missing item. The method in this article optimizes visibility and creates a clear audit trail by allowing you to keep copies of (1) the original invoice entry, (2) the reversal, and finally (3) the correction.

How To

How do I change or correct a posted supplier invoice?

Follow these steps

You can only make changes to supplier invoices that are open or unposted. What do you do if you've posted an invoice and then realized you made an error upon entry?

For example:

  • a product was received but the incorrect unit quantity was entered
  • a product was received but the unit cost was incorrect
  • a product was received under the incorrect SKU

In these cases, you can reverse the original invoice then re-enter it as a new invoice with the necessary changes.

Follow these steps.

  1. Select Purchasing > Supplier Invoices.
  2. Open the invoice you wish to reverse by clicking on it.
  3. Select Actions > Reverse.


  4. You will be directed back to the supplier invoice screen where you will see an invoice labeled as REVERSED. This is an exact copy of the original supplier invoice but with negative quantities.


  5. Open the REVERSED invoice, and then select Actions > Post and Receive.


  6. Follow the prompts and you will be directed back to the supplier invoice screen. Select the reversed invoice you just posted, open it up and reverse it again by selecting Actions > Reverse.


  7. You will be directed back to the supplier invoice screen where you will see an invoice labeled as REVERSE REVERSE that you can edit and make the necessary quantity and price changes.


  8. Open the REVERSE REVERSE invoice and select Actions > Edit.
  9. From here you can edit quantity and cost values by clicking on them, add missing products by selecting New, or remove erroneous line items entirely by selecting Delete.
    Pro Tip: Select the Edit Invoice Info box and update the supplier reference number from Number-REVERSED REVERSED to Number-CORRECTION to keep your supplier invoice list cleaner.
  10. Once you are finished, select Actions > Back to Invoice.
  11. Select Actions > Post & Receive to repost the corrected supplier invoice.

  Heads up

If you are in a regulated industry, activity from each posted supplier invoice will be reflected in your compliance reports and a manual adjustment may be required

To keep your month end process smooth, reach out to your compliance department with the SKU changes, the supplier invoice numbers, and your location or write down and save this information to reference at month end.

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