How to generate a printable inventory count sheet

How To

How do I generate a printable inventory count sheet?

Follow these steps

Do you want to print a list of products to count for an employee to do a "blind count" or a count that's completely offline? Follow these steps.

  1. From the count, select Actions > Print Count Sheet.
  2. Enter the font size and select your count sheet variables, options include:
    • Font size
    • Show on hands
    • Show location
    • Add an extra count (used if another person validates the count)
    • Display products with zero on hand
    • Show price
    • Portrait
  3. Choose how to sort the products on count sheet. Choices include sort by name, SKU, quantity on hand, or shelf location. Select Submit to generate your printable count sheet.

More Information

For more information about inventory counts, see the articles:

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