How to load a balance to a gift card in the GT Backend

  Heads up

Gift card numbers starting with 0 can create confusion in redemption and should be avoided.

Loading a balance to a gift card in the GT Backend (instead of the POS) does not record the associated cash received for the sale of the gift card, remember to record a separate transaction at the POS if necessary.

How To

How do I create or load a balance to a gift card in the GT Backend?

Follow these steps

To create or load a balance to a gift card in the GT Backend, follow these steps.

  1. Select Products > Advanced > Gift Cards.
  2. Select Actions > Load/Add Balance.
  3. Enter the Card Number, any relevant Notes, and the Amount to Load.
  4. (Optional) Check Promo Card if applicable. Promo cards are coupon-like gift cards that are often offered as part of a promotion, (i.e. a $5 off card).
  5. Select Submit.
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