How to use supplier databases to add products to your store

How To

How do I add products to my store using the Connect Logistics or BDL databases?

Follow these steps

GlobalTill pulls product data from the Connect Logistics and BDL databases and stores a copy of each in the GT Backend. Allocated products from Connect Logistics and geographically-restricted products from BDL may not be included.

To add a product to your GlobalTill data using an integrated supplier database, follow these steps.

Using Connect Logistics supplier database to add products

  1. Select ProductsSupplier DatabasesConnect Logistics Products.
  2. Select the + sign to access additional product details.

  3. Select Add in the additional details, you'll be brought to a confirmation page.

  4. Select Submit, this will bring you to the newly made product detail page.
  5. Select Actions > Edit Product to add additional information, like the Retail Price.

Using BDL supplier database to add products

  1. Select ProductsSupplier DatabasesBDL Products.
  2. Search for the product you wish to add. Use the keyboard shortcut CONTROL+F on Windows or COMMAND+F on Mac to open a search box in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Add to open the product form.  

      Heads up

    Adding a product from the BDL database that already exists in your GT data will result in a 500 error.

  4. From here you can assign a Deposit, Categories, and a Retail pricing rule.

  5. Select Add, this will bring you to the newly made product detail page.
  6. Select Actions > Edit Product to add additional information like the Default Supplier, Retail price, and Units per case.
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