What is GlobalTill's loyalty program

What is…

What is GlobalTill's loyalty program? How does it work?

Loyalty programs are a great way to improve sales, increase profits, and establish long-term relationships with your customers.

GlobalTill offers two points redemption programs, one where points are collected and redeemed for a dollar discount and one where points are collected and redeemed for a percentage discount.

In both programs, the retailer defines the number of points a customer earns for each dollar spent.

In the Dollar Redemption program, the retailer defines the redemption value for each point.

In the Percentage Redemption program, the retailer defines the number of points needed and the percentage discount provided when redeeming the number of points.

Here is a breakdown of each program.

Dollar Redemption
Customers earn points for every dollar spent
Points are assigned a dollar value
Points are redeemed for a dollar discount 
Store defines how many points a customer earns for every dollar spent
Store defines the dollar value for redemption of a single point
For example, your store offers one reward point for every dollar spent, and each point is worth $0.01. If a customer buys a product for $25.00, they will earn 25 points, equal to a redemption value of $0.25.
Percent Redemption
Customers earn points for every dollar spent
No dollar value tied to a single point
Points are redeemed for a percentage off
Store defines how many points a customer earns for every dollar spent
Store defines the number of points required to redeem the percentage discount
Store defines the amount of the percentage discount
For example, your store offers one reward point for every dollar spent. When a customer accumulates 500 points, a discount of 5% becomes available for use in one transaction.

Reach out to your account contact for more information or to request set up of a loyalty program for your store. 

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can we assign different weight to specific products?
    No. Points accumulation is consistent across all products and tied to the pre-tax value of the product. There isn't a way to assign extra points or weights to individual items.
  2. Can we sell specific items for a defined number of points? For example, this B-B-Q is offered for 1000 points.
    No. Points redemption is only available as a blanket percentage or dollar discount applied to the balance of a transaction.
  3. How do I exclude products from accumulating points?
    There is no way to exclude individual products from points accumulation. If you sell items that are ineligible for points programs, we do not recommend using a GT points program.
  4. Can I decide how many points are earned per dollar spent? What about the redemption value of a point?
    In both programs, the retailer defines how many points a customer earns for each dollar spent. 
    In Dollar Redemption, the retailer sets the redemption value per point.
    In Percentage Redemption, the retailer sets the discount amount as a percent value and the amount of points needed to qualify for the redemption.

More Information

For more information about points redemption at the POS, see the Loyalty Points section in our help center.

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