How to enter a supplier invoice

  Before you start

Suppliers must set up before you can enter an invoice from one of them. For more information, see the article How to create a supplier.

How To

How do I enter a supplier invoice?

Follow these steps

Typically, supplier invoices are converted from POs or uploaded into GlobalTill using our automation features. If you would like to auto-import a supplier invoice, refer to the more information section at the bottom of this article.

If you would like to create a supplier invoice line by line, follow these steps.

Create the supplier invoice

  1. Select Purchasing > Supplier Invoices.
  2. Select the Wrench icon > New Supplier Invoice.
  3. Enter the supplier invoice details and select Submit.
  4. Select Actions > Edit to be taken to the supplier invoice edit page to add products to the invoice.

Add products to the supplier invoice

There are two ways to add products to a new supplier invoice. 

To add a product from a known SKU number, follow these steps.

  1. Select Quick Add by Product Code. 
  2. Type the product code into the product code field and press ENTER, this will fill out the line and automatically and move to the next input field. Update the Qty, Per Case, and Cost as necessary. Continue pressing ENTER until the line is added to the invoice, repeat as necessary.

To search for a product and select it from a dropdown list, follow these steps.

  1. Select New.
  2. Use the drop down search for the Product you want to add. Adjust the Qty as necessary. Select Create to add to the invoice. 

      Heads up

    The quantity referenced when adding product to a supplier invoice references cases, not units.

Edit products on the supplier invoice

Products added to a supplier invoice will match the data that is currently in your GlobalTill database. It's important to review the supplier invoice you are entering specifically to ensure any changes in pricing from the supplier are captured correctly. This is to ensure you capture the price you actually paid for the product, as this can fluctuate over time and may not be the same price you paid the last time the product was received.

Use the Column Visibility button to add necessary fields into view. Edit the invoice by clicking on the fields you wish to edit. 

Post the supplier invoice

Once the items have been added to the supplier invoice, and any necessary edits have been made, the invoice must be posted for the units to be added to your inventory.

  1. From the invoice edit page, return to the supplier invoice by selection Actions > Go Back to Invoice.

  2. Select ActionsPost & Receive.
  3. Follow the prompts and enter any missing data (specific fields will vary by industry). The final review screen highlights new products, as well as reflects the percent of change in product cost. We recommend an additional review on products with high a percentage change in unit cost as this could indicate a data entry error.

More Information

For more information, see the article What is the difference between quick post and post & receive.

To use GT's automation features to import a supplier invoice, see the articles:

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