How to create a price book

How To

How do I create a price book?

Follow these steps

A price book is an alternative set of prices for your products that is activated based on the customer account entered at the time the products are sold. To set-up a new price book, follow these steps.

  1. Select Products > Pricing > Price Book.
  2. Select Actions > New Price Book.
  3. Enter the price book settings and select Submit. Field descriptions are provided in the table below.

Price book settings explained

Setting Details
Name  The name of the price book. It's best to keep names concise, but descriptive. Do not use a period (.) in the name. 
Percentage Determines the percentage value used in the price book calculation.
Active Determines whether or not the price book is active. Upon set up, set your price book to active by checking this box. If you want to deactivate temporarily at a future date, return to the price book settings and uncheck active.
Never lower Tells GlobalTill to ignore any future changes that would lower the price book price. For more information on this setting, see the support article What is never lower.
Bottom out at cost Prevents the price book price from ever dropping below the cost of the product, regardless of the calculation. If this is enabled, a price book will discount until it hits cost.
Price to This is where you choose to price to either a Desired Margin or Desired Markup. For information on the difference, see the support article What is the difference between margin and markup.
Price type Determines the price book equation type. Options are Cost Plus, Retail Minus, or Retail Plus pricing. 
Price based on Determines the cost field referenced in the price calculation. Options are Last Ordered Cost, Cost Average, AGLC/BCLDB Cost, or the Highest of the three.
Cost type Determines the cost type used in the price calculation. Options are Base Unit Cost, Unit Cost with Tax, or Unit Cost With Tax and Deposit (all in).
Rounding type Determines if rounding is applied to the price after the calculation is made, and the type of rounding that is applied. 
Rounding price Determines whether the final rounded price will be reflected as the Base Price or the Final All In Price.
If no cost Determines the fall back action if there is no cost entered for the product. Options are Use Retail Pricing or to Do Nothing.


More Information

For more information, see the following articles:

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