How to search the product list

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You can search by SKU, supplier code or barcode from the search bar at the top of any page in the GT Backend.

How To

How do I search for products the product list?

Follow these steps

To search for products in the Product List, follow these steps.

  1. Select Products > List.
  2. Select Columns to show or hide additional columns. This is helpful if you'd like to filter the products in your store to a specific criteria. 
  3. Use the search boxes at the top of each column to filter your list. Type within any box to narrow your search by keyword or number.
  4. Use the up and down arrows to sort columns in ascending or descending order.
  5. Use the Filters button to add additional supplier and inventory based filters.
  6. Select the Clear All Filters button to reset the product list after performing a search. 
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