How can I tell if an order came from WooCommerce, Shopify, or the GT eCommerce site?


Who this applies to

Customers using Shopify, WooCommerce, or other integrations that use the Customer Order system.


How can I tell if an order came from WooCommerce, Shopify, or the GT eCommerce site?


  1. Go to Selling > Customer Orders to see a table of all store orders.
  2. Select Columns above the table. 
  3. Select Additional Reference and Additional Info if these columns are not already visible on the customer orders table.

If the Additional Reference or Additional Info contains an order number or, in the case of WooCommerce, a “wc_order” number, this indicates the order was pulled from an integrated eCommerce site. If those fields are blank, it shows the order was created manually in GlobalTill.


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