Where do I find a summarized list of customer expenditures?


How do I see how much a customer has spent at my store in a given date range?


The Customer Spend Detail report shows summarized totals for gross sales, net sales, profit and costs per customer for a given date range. To see an itemized list of what each customer has purchased, see the Customer Spend Product Detail report.

Follow these steps

To generate the Customer Spend Detail report, follow these steps.

  1. Select Reporting > Report List.
  2. Select the Customer & Loyalty tab.

  3. Select Customer Spend Detail and choose which format and the date range you want to be captured in the report, these are both mandatory. Select the Email Report Options tab to email the report out to either a single address or a list, or use the Optional Columns tab to add additional columns as desired.

  4. Select Submit to have the report generated for you.
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