New feature policy

This policy does not apply to defects. Learn about our approach to fixing defects Defect fix policy.


  • We don’t publish roadmaps that include specific release dates.
  • We track suggested features and improvements in our issue tracking system.
  • Our product managers review the most popular issues regularly.
  • We select and schedule new features based on several factors, not just popularity.
  • We provide regular updates on the top issues.

  • New features must pass GlobalTill’s criteria for release.

How we choose what to implement

When planning a release, we use many factors to determine what new features will be implemented.

Some of these factors include:

  • Customer Feedback - We gather user opinions and assessments through formal customer interviews, research activities, developer conferences, product roadshows, in-product feedback, and Early Access Program releases.
  • Support Team Insights - Working on the front line, our support team knows which issues are the most challenging and common for customers.
  • Solution Partner Insights - Our reseller partners help us better understand real-world customer deployments, especially for customers at scale.
  • Product Analytics - We analyze what features and pages people visit the most frequently in all GlobalTill products such as the GT Backend, GT Mobile, and the POS.
  • Paid Development - Occasionally, customers ask that specific requests be expedited and are willing to pay associated development costs. We consider these requests when possible and when they are sufficiently in line with our roadmap. We also consider these requests more readily when they can be executed by our partner development teams to keep our focus on the core product.
  • Product Strategy - We consider our long-term strategic vision for the product whenever we implement a feature request.

Information collected

We 💙 feature requests. Gathering data that reflects client needs accurately allows us to provide solutions that enhance a business's operations and experience using GlobalTill. It ensures we are delivering software that pushes retail forward.

With every new proposed feature, we collect the following information:

  • Problem: What problem is the feature request trying to solve? Understanding the problem gives us additional context and allows us to evaluate better whether the proposed solution solves the problem.
  • Importance: Why is this important to your business? How does it improve the use of GlobalTill? Understanding 'why' gives us a basis for addressing your problems even if we can't implement the suggested solution.
  • Urgency: Is this request urgent, and, if so, why? What about the current workaround(s) is not sufficient, or what/where is it creating a bottleneck? We receive numerous requests, many labeled ASAP. As much as we'd like to implement every suggestion right away, strong prioritization ensures our focus is where it needs to be. If your request is urgent, tell us why. We'll do our absolute best to factor this into how it is prioritized.
  • Suggested Solution: How do you think the solution should be implemented in GlobalTill? Where do you see it fitting?

Any requests without a clearly stated problem and importance will not be considered. Even if you have no idea what the solution might look like, provide us with a well-described problem. Tell us why it is important. We’ll work through it, and attempt to brainstorm what a feature might look like or what existing options are available that could meet your needs.

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