Release Notes for December, 2020

GT Backend

🎉 New

  • [Gift Cards] New API endpoint for checking gift card balances.
  • [Standard Labels] Added explicit label tags for SubSubCategory and web tags Country, Vintage, Region, SubRegion and Varietal. Check out all available label variables here.
  • [Customer] Customer detail page now shows individual invoice balances, rather than only the invoice total.

🔧 Fix

  • [Product List] Show duplicate supplier codes has been changed to only display for active products.
  • [Reporting] Gift card transaction report has been amended to fix an issue where promo cards were not displaying correctly.
  • [Purchasing] GlobalTill no longer allows you to add non-active products to supplier invoices or purchase orders using the quick add feature.
  • [Purchasing] Fixed an issue where bulk PO generation would use unit costs instead of extended case pack costs.
  • [Purchasing] Fixed an issue where BDL order uploads would add items where the quantity was 0.
  • [Purchasing] Fixed an issue where some BDL order uploads would import with only surcharges and no line items.

🤓 Other

  • [Products] Cost Avg Adjustment button has been removed for Cannabis clients to prevent errors in compliance reporting.
  • [Reporting] AGCO/OCS Monthly Sales Reporting has been amended to exclude non-cannabis items (where POS equivalency is 0), and to display the retail price even if no sales occurred for that period.
  • [Multi-store Syncing] Added automated recovery of select situations where local environment product data conflicted with master environment data.
  • [Sales] Various changes to Sales Management and overall sale pricing in the GT Backend.

GT Mobile (Early Access)

🎉 New

  • [POS] Add initial point of sale support.
  • [POS] Added Desk 5000 and Move 5000 payment terminal support (generic OS).
  • [POS] Added Star Micronics mC-Print3 support.

GT POS 4.6.3 - 4.7.8

🎉 New

  • [4.7] Terminal Recall button.

🔧 Fix

  • [4.7] Fixed an issue where a large number of cached product images caused the POS to perform slowly on select versions of Microsoft Windows.
  • [4.6] Fixed an issue where the user was not redirected to the login screen after an automatic logout occurred on the receipt printing screen.
  • [4.6] Fixed an issue where a small number of transactions in multi-tax environments would incorrectly round by $ 0.01.
  • [4.6] Fixed an issue where a large number of concurrent updates to product data would not completely download to the POS.

🤓 Other

  • [4.7] Payment terminal handling code has been replaced with a more robust implementation.
  • [4.6] Increased product-sync rate.
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