Support & service policy (partner network)

This policy applies if you purchase GlobalTill from an authorized solution partner.


  • Support policies of your solution provider supersede GlobalTill policies for support and service.
  • Your solution partner is your primary contact for assistance, support, and inquiries related to GlobalTill.
  • GlobalTill does not maintain remote access to your hardware.
  • Your solution partner is responsible for all billing and fees.

Support & service availability

Many GlobalTill users work with our solution partners because they offer additional services such as bundled hardware, extended support hours, networking installation, hardware & network management, operational assistance, consulting services, and more.

GlobalTill does not mandate operating hours or service levels for its solutions partners at this time. However, an enhanced certification program, along with additional partner levels, is being developed. GlobalTill solution partners are free to set their hours of operation, service levels, and scope of support.


Your solution partner is responsible for billing for your account/license. You are subject to their fee schedule. In particular, because our partners operate across a diverse geographical region and offer different services, we cannot guarantee any pricing on behalf of the partner. However, GlobalTill licensee fees do have maximum allowable end-user prices so that we can maintain fair pricing for all our customers.

Account Ownership

GlobalTill licenses and accounts cannot be transferred between different solution partners, or from a solution partner to GlobalTill directly. Furthermore, GlobalTill licenses purchased as part of a group or corporate purchase agreement cannot be transferred. The only exception to this is if a solution provider ceases operations. In this case, a request may be submitted to transfer the license subject to a new license purchase/transfer agreement.

Other information

Direct any questions, concerns, and feedback about your account or your solution provider to

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