How do I review inventory across multiple stores?

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These methods are for multi-store setups.


How do I review product inventory levels across different locations?


There are multiple ways to view product inventory levels across multiple stores, below are two common methods.

Individual product inventory across multiple stores

If you're looking to check the inventory status of a single product across all of your stores, follow these steps.

  1. From the main environment, select Products > List.

  2. Locate the product with inventory you'd like to review, and open it.
  3. Select the Inventory tab to see a list of all the locations where the product is being sold, the quantity on hand in each location, and cost and retail price.

Entire product inventory across multiple stores

If you're looking to review inventory levels for all of your products across all of your stores, we recommend generating the Q90 Sales Inventory Multi-store report. The Q90 is a combined inventory and sales report that shows the last 12 weeks of sales and the current inventory on hand for each location.

To generate the Q90, follow these steps.

  1. From the main environment, select Reporting > Report List > Multi-Store Ordering > Q90 Sales Inventory Multistore.

  2. Use the Report Info, Email and Optional tabs to populate your report parameters. Then select Submit to generate the report.
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