How to create a receive on account SKU (ROA)

How To

How do I create an ROA SKU?

Follow these steps

A Receive on Account (ROA) SKU is an open product that is used to receive payment at the POS without selling a physical product or service. This payment is then issued as a customer credit and applied to open balances on a customer profile.

To create an ROA SKU, follow these steps.

  1. Select Products > List.
  2. Select Actions > New Product.
  3. Set up your ROA SKU exactly as below.
    • Enter Product Code ROA.
    • Enter Product Name Received on Account.
    • Choose Category SYSTEM.
    • Check Is Active.
    • Check Is For Sale.
    • Leave ALL OTHER FIELDS BLANK AND BOXES UNCHECKED (Is Inventoried, Apply Tax to Product, etc.). Your ROA SKU should look identical the image below. Failure to correctly configure the ROA SKU will impact your ability to use this feature.
  4. Select Submit.

More Information

For more information, see the article How to receive a payment at the POS to apply to a customer account.

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