Shopify orders are coming through, but almost all inventory has stopped updating. Why?



The inventory on my Shopify site is no longer updated with the current inventory levels in GlobalTill. This is happening on all, or a large number, of my products. Orders are still coming through. What is causing this?


You may have too many products for your Shopify plan. If you have a large number of a products and a regular Shopify subscription, you may be exceeding your API rate limits which would cause the inventory sync to fail.

This Shopify article explains more about API rate limits, Shopify API Rate Limits.

Reach out to you support contact and let them know that the inventory sync is failing on a large number, or all, of your products. Our support team can investigate further.

If API rate limiting is confirmed, we recommend you deactivate the Web Product flag on as many products as possible that aren’t required online and make a habit of doing so with all products. This isn’t a guaranteed fix, but you are less likely to exceed your rate limits with fewer products.

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