How to convert a cycle count to a full count

  Before you start

This guide assumes you have already completed and posted a Cycle Count containing all items in your store. Ensure Count Strict Mode is disabled before conversion.

How To

How do I convert a Cycle Count to a Full Count?

Follow these steps

Full Counts in GlobalTill are not recommended with large product databases (50,000+ products), as they may time out or count sheets may fail to generate.

As a work around, we recommend performing a Cycle Count of all items in your store and then converting it to a Full Count. This allows you to capture all products in your store and zero out the inventory for the remaining uncounted items. This is usually performed in multi-store, franchise locations, where a head office manages a large product database, and the store conducting the count carries only a portion of the products and wishes to zero out inventory for all uncounted items.

To create a Cycle Count to convert to a Full Count, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the posted Cycle Count that contains all items in your store. Select the Arrow to open it.
  2. Select Variance Report.
  3. Verify all items in your store are present and have been counted, then select Show More.
  4. After the page refreshes, select Convert to Full Count. Select Submit.

Frequently asked questions

  1. The Show More button is missing from my variance report screen. What should I do?
    Show More is only available when Count Strict Mode is disabled. Disable Count Strict Mode in Other Settings under Settings > Store Settings > Other Settings.

More Information

For more information, see the article How to create a cycle count.

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