How to bundle products

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Bundles have some important limitations you should understand before using them in your store. Read this article to determine if bundles are right for you before proceeding with use.

How To

How do I create a bundle?

Follow these steps

A bundle is created when several products are grouped together and sold as a single unit for one price.

Consider the following limitations before working with bundles.

  • When a product is sold as part of a bundle, the inventory is removed from the child product SKU. This means there will be no inventory transactions under the bundle's parent product SKU.
  • Sales, profit and other calculations are reflected on the bundle's parent product SKU only. This means when a product is sold as part of a bundle, sales figures aren't captured in reporting with the original product SKU (the child product SKU in the bundle).
  • Bundle products are not compatible with primary environments or store-to-store syncing.
  • Bundle products are not compatible with eCommerce.

To create a bundle, follow these steps.

  1. Select Products > Advanced > Bundles. This will direct you to the bundles list where you can review the name, price and cost average of each bundle, create new bundles or edit existing bundles.
  2. Select Actions > New Bundle.
  3. Enter the product information for the Bundle SKU. This is the SKU for the parent product that you'll use to sell the bundle of products at the POS. Select Submit to move to the bundle details page.
  4. Select Actions > Add Product to Bundle.
  5. Select the product you'd like to add to your bundle from the dropdown menu, enter the quantity and bundle retail price per unit. Select Submit to add the product to the bundle and return to the bundle details page.

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    If you add two units and enter a price of $15.00, the single unit price is $15.00, and total price of the bundle line item is $30.00.

  6. Repeat steps four and five to add products to your bundle.
  7. Optional: To edit line items in your bundle, select Edit or Delete. To edit the bundle product itself, select Actions > Edit Bundle Parent Product.
  8. Your bundle is automatically saved. Select Home from the left hand side menu to return to the home screen once your bundle is complete.

Frequently asked questions

  1. How do I set a bundle price?
    Bundle prices are calculated automatically. The sum of the item prices multiplied by the quantity in the bundle is the bundle price.
    (Item A Price x Item A Quantity) + (Item B Price x Item B Quantity) = Bundle Price.
  2. Do I have to add deposit products to my bundle?
    No. GlobalTill automatically updates the total deposit price of the bundle based on the bundle contents, provided the deposits are correctly set up on the child products.
  3. Why is the product greyed out when I select Edit beside a line item on the bundle detail page?
    When you edit a line item in a bundle you can't change the product, you can only change the item quantity or price. If you wish to remove an item from a bundle, use the delete button on the bundle detail page.
  4. How do I change the category or other attributes for my bundle SKU?
    From the bundle detail page, select Actions > Edit Bundle Parent Product. Or, from the product details page of bundle SKU, select Actions > Edit Product.
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