How to create discount reason codes

  Heads up

Force assign discount code must be enabled in the POS settings to apply discount codes at the POS. To enable, access the POS Settings > POS Tab > Force assign discount code.

How To

How do I create discount codes?

Follow these steps

Use the Discount Code Manager to create reasons for why a product was sold at a discount. These discounts codes are entered when a product is discounted using an open percent or dollar discount at the POS.

To create a Discount Code, follow these steps.

  1. Select Store Settings > Advanced > Discount Code Manager.
  2. Select Actions > Add Discount Code.
  3. To create a new discount code, enter the following:
    • Code - Up to 2 character code to describe the type of discount being applied
    • Reason - The long-form description of the reason
    • Active - Select active if the inventory reason code is in use and visible
  4. Select Submit to create the discount code. Remember to refresh your POS data and ensure Force assign discount code is enabled in the POS settings before using new discount codes. 

Frequently asked questions

  1. Why isn't a discount code appearing at the POS?
    If a discount code isn't appearing at the POS, consider the following.
    • The prompt for the discount code only applies when using an open percent or dollar discount at the POS.
    • Force assign discount code must be enabled in the POS settings. Access the POS Settings > POS Tab > Force assign discount code.
    • Refresh the POS data to sync the discount codes from the GT Backend to the POS.
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