How to award loyalty points on customer orders

  Heads up

You must have an active loyalty program to enable loyalty point accumulation on customer orders.

How To

How do I enable loyalty point accumulation on customer orders?

Follow these steps

Enable simple loyalty program earnings on Customer Order transactions. The use case for this primarily centers around providing equal earning to online transactions as well as in store.

Earnings rules follow the same logic as on the POS. In particular, the customer must have accumulate points enabled on their customer profile, and earnings are on the subtotal, exclusive of taxes and rounded down to the nearest whole number.

To assign loyalty points to customer orders, follow these steps.

  1. Select Settings > Store Settings.
  2. Select Other Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Award loyalty orders.
  4. Select the orders you want to enable points earnings on in GT.
    • None - No customer orders will be credited points.
    • Web - Only web customer orders will be credited points.
    • All - All customer orders will be credited points.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Submit to save your changes.
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