How to create a sale

  Heads up

If there are products in multiple active sales, GlobalTill will default to the lowest active sale price.

How To

How do I create a limited-time sale?

Follow these steps

To create a promotional sale using Sale Management, follow these steps. 

Step 1: Create the sale

  1. Select Products > Promotions > Sale Management.
  2. Select Actions > Create New Sale.
  3. Give the sale a short but descriptive Name.
  4. Enter a Start and End Date (optional). Select Submit.
  5. You will be taken to the Promotional Sale Editor. Select New to add an item to the sale.
  6. Select the Product, enter the Promotional Price and then select Create.
  7. Repeat this process to add items to the sale. Once all items have been added, select Actions > Go Back to return to the promotional sale list.

Step 2: Activate the sale using Apply Sale Pricing

  1. Select Products > Promotions > Sales Management.
  2. Select Actions > Apply Sale Pricing.
  3. Select Submit. This process will review all sales in the promotional sale list and activate based on start date. Activated sales will be highlighted in green.

Step 3: Reload data at the POS

  1. Redownload store data at the POS to sync your sale from the GT Backend to the POS immediately.

More Information

For more information see the article, How to generate a sale with Sale Wizard.

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