How to create a BOGO offer with a dollar discount

How To

How do I create a BOGO offer that discounts using specific dollar amount?


Follow these steps

To create a BOGO offer that discounts a specific dollar amount, like Buy a Widget, Get a Widget for $10.00 off, follow these steps.

  1. Select Products > Promotions > BOGO Offers.
  2. Select Actions > Create New BOGO Offer.
  3. Enter the BOGO details. A breakdown of the field definitions is provided below.
    Field Definition
    Active Turns the BOGO on or off.
    Trigger on scan This contains all of the "buy one" products included in the BOGO offer. These are the products that will trigger the BOGO prompt.
    Buy one of This contains the "get one" products that will be sold at a discount.
    Discount on second item

    This is the amount, in dollars, of the discount to be applied to the "get one" product.


    The name of the BOGO. This is what will appear in the BOGO offer list.


    The prompt that will appear at the POS when "buy one" items are triggered.

    Number required for fixed discount

    This remains blank in a Dollar discount BOGO. In fixed discounts, this is the total number of units that must be purchased to receive the fixed discount.

    Fixed discount type This remains blank in a Dollar discount BOGO. In fixed discounts, this is the type of discount that will be applied to the promotional item.
    Start date The first day the BOGO offer becomes active.
    End date The last day the BOGO offer is active. 
    Fixed discount percent This remains blank in a Dollar discount BOGO. In fixed discount, this value will overwrite the 1/2 off or Free designation specified in Fixed discount type.
    Customer account only When this is enabled, the BOGO offers only apply for transactions processed under a customer profile

    In this example, if a customer buys one of Widget F (Trigger on scan), the cashier will be prompted to add an additional Widget F, G or H (Buy one of) for $2.00 off (Discount on second item).
  4. Redownload store data at the POS to have the BOGO offer synced to the POS immediately.

More Information

For more information, see the article How to create a BOGO offer with a fixed discount.

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