How to apply a coupon to a transaction at the POS

  Before you start

To manually apply a coupon to a transaction, Manual Coupon Activation must be enabled in the POS settings. For more information, see the article How to enable manual coupon activation at the POS.

How To

How do I apply an in-store coupon to a transaction at the POS?

Follow these steps

In most cases, coupons have barcodes that are scanned at the POS to auto-apply the discount amount to applicable products in the transaction. You can also apply discounts manually from the coupon listing at the POS. Follow these steps.

  1. Add the products to the transaction.
  2. Select Actions > View Coupons to display a list of active coupons in your store.
  3. Select Apply Coupon under the coupon you'd like to apply to the transaction. If the coupon requirements are not met, a warning will appear and the discount will not be applied.

More Information

For more information, see the articles How to create a coupon discount or How to apply a manufacturer coupon at the POS.

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