What is auto subtract deposit and prices include taxes

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What is auto subtract deposit and prices include taxes when setting up a supplier?

Some suppliers include taxes and deposits as part of the supplier retail price, while others don't. Auto Subtract Deposit and Prices Include Taxes are supplier based settings used to standardize your workflow, so you don't have to manually track how each supplier presents their pricing when creating a PO or receiving a supplier invoice.

By default, GlobalTill assumes all product costs exclude taxes and deposits. Enable these options in the supplier's settings under Purchasing > Supplier List if the supplier includes taxes or deposits in their pricing.

Auto Subtract Deposit

Auto Subtract Deposit automatically removes the value of the deposit from a product entered on a PO or supplier invoice. Enable this setting if the supplier includes the deposit in the product purchase price.

If the deposit isn't included in the supplier price, Auto Subtract Deposit isn't necessary and should remain unchecked to prevent discrepancies between the invoice provided by your supplier and what is reflected when entered into GlobalTill.

Prices Include Taxes

Prices Include Taxes automatically removes the value of the supplier tax rate from a product entered on a PO or supplier invoice. Enable this setting if the supplier includes taxes in the product purchase price.

If the supplier doesn’t include taxes in the supplier price (and taxes are added at the end of the invoice), Prices Include Taxes isn't necessary and should remain unchecked to prevent discrepancies between the invoice provided by your supplier and what is reflected when entered into GlobalTill.

More Information

For more information, see the article How to edit a supplier.

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