Getting Started with POS Settings

Summary of Settings on GT POS

This article lists all of the settings available on the POS and where to go to configure them.

Use this article with the find function (cmd+f on macOS, ctrl+f on Windows) to search for key terms to find specific settings, their function, and what tab to find them on in the POS settings area.




UI Pathway

System ID The System ID of your POS station. All POS stations must have a valid system ID that is unique to that station. Settings > Core
Application Zoom Level Increases or decreases the zoom of GlobalTill. Settings > Core
On Screen Keyboard Show or hide the on screen keyboard in certain POS areas. Settings > Core
System Name Show or hide the POS systems name at the POS. Settings > Core
Numeric Login Login using only your PIN, doesn't require you to select a user. This lets you use PINs as cashier numbers but requires everyone to have a unique PIN. Settings > Core
Print End Of Day Prints a detailed end of the day summary when a salesperson closes the sale session. Settings > Core
Simplified Start Shift & End Shift Allows you to start/end a shift without entering starting/ending balances. Starting and ending cash is set to $0.00 by default. Settings > Core
Auto Leave Shift Active shift will be automatically ended at a specified time. Settings > Core
Support Phone Number Displays a widget with a specified support phone number at the POS. Settings > Core
Show Date/Time Shows a widget with the date & time on the POS. Settings > Core
Show Unread Order Count Show or hide the number of unread orders as a banner at the bottom of the POS. Settings > Core
Show Keyboard Shortcuts Enables a series of keyboard shortcuts that can also be displayed on screen on the POS. Settings > Core
Theme Enter the primary and the secondary color in hex format, such as #1565c0. If left blank, the default GlobalTill colors will be used. Settings > Core
All In Pricing  Displays prices including taxes and deposits in certain areas at the POS. Settings > POS 
Customer Settings Select the dropdown arrow to expand Customer Settings. Settings > POS 
Customer Sign Up by Phone When a sales person presses checkout, if there's no customer attached to the transaction, it'll prompt them to search for a customer by phone number. If the customer doesn't exist, GT will prompt to create a customer without leaving the checkout screen. Settings > POS 
Customer Sign Up Allows salespeople to sign up customers at the POS from the actions button.  Settings > POS > Customer > Show Customer Sign Up
Sign Up w/Points Profile Allows salespeople to sign up customers at the POS from the actions button with the loyalty points profile enabled. Settings > POS > Customer > Show Customer Sign Up
Customer Sign Up Required Fields Specify what fields the customer is required/requested to be filled in to set up a profile. Settings > POS > Customer
Customer Sign Up Warning  Shows a warning if a phone number or email is already in the system when signing someone up at the POS. Settings > POS > Customer
Show Tax Exempt Customer Sign Up

Allows salespeople to sign up customers with tax exemption status when they enter a tax exempted ID number.

Settings > POS > Customer
Prompt for Customer Sign Up If the walk in customer is selected, checking out will prompt the salesperson to sign up the customer. Settings > POS > Customer
Show Customer Notes Display the customers notes when they're selected at the POS. Settings > POS > Customer
Open Add/Remove Points on POS Allows salesperson to manually add or remove loyalty points from the actions button. Settings > POS > Customer
Mask Customer Info Hides the full phone number and email of customers at the POS. Settings > POS > Customer
Identification (ID) Check The field to specify the age of majority of the province/state you are verifying ID for. Settings > POS > Identification (ID) Check
Force ID Check at Checkout Automatically prompts the salesperson to check for ID when selecting checkout. Prompt includes the date for verification. Settings > POS > Identification (ID) Check
Button Check on POS Screen Enables an ID button at the POS that displays the date of birth required to meet the age or majority. When selected it marks the transaction as having ID checked. Settings > POS > Identification (ID) Check
Open Description Items Allows salespeople to change the name of a product for a single transaction. The new name will show up on the receipt and in the back office for that transaction only. Settings > POS
Show Bottle Return Displays a bottle return button at the POS. Settings > POS
Disable Deposit(s) Editing Prevents salespeople from editing deposits. Settings > POS
Hide Deposits at POS Hides deposit line items at the POS. Settings > POS
Print Detailed Merchant Copy Enables an itemized merchant copy that will print with all transaction types including cash. Settings > POS
Safe Drop Warning Displays a warning to do a safe drop when the cash drawer reaches a specified threshold. This threshold includes the float, so with a $200 float to warn salespeople to do a safe drop every $500, input $700. Settings > POS
Max Salesperson Discount (Percentage) Allows salespeople to perform a discount up to this specified percentage per line item without manager authorization. Settings > POS
Max Salesperson Discount (Dollar) Allows salespeople to perform a discount up to this specified dollar amount per line item without manager authorization. Settings > POS
Price Match Button Enables the price match under each invoice line. Managers can price match any amount, salespeople can price match up to the Max Salesperson Discount (Dollar). Settings > POS
Price Beater (Percentage) Adds an additional percentage discount when Price Match is enabled. Settings > POS
Manufacturers Coupon Button Enables the manufacturers coupon under each invoice line. Managers can discount any amount, salespeople can discount up to the Max Salesperson Discount (Dollar). Settings > POS
Block Transactions When enabled blocks checking out a transaction if there isn't sufficient inventory to be completed. Settings > POS
Barcode Support Select the dropdown arrow to expand Barcode Settings. Settings > POS
Barcode Scanner Name Available devices listed by name. Settings > POS > Barcode Support
Price Embedded Barcode Format Support

GlobalTill can parse a variety of price embedded barcodes by customizing the following options to match the output of the scale or other device you are using to generate the barcodes.

Settings > POS > Barcode Support
Stacked Barcode Support  Extracts the UPC code from stacked barcodes (GS1 DataBar/Reduced Spaced Symbology) allowing stores to keep only the UPC attached to the product and scan normally at the POS. Settings > POS > Barcode Support
Non Alphanumeric Barcode Support By default GlobalTill only recognizes barcodes consisting of standard letters and numbers. When enabled, the POS will recognize barcodes that contain all characters and symbols such as dashes. Settings > POS > Barcode Support
Price Check Button

Enables a price check button at the POS that allows salespeople to scan a product to see its price without adding it to a transaction.

The second toggle controls keeping price check activated until manually deactivated.

Settings > POS > Price Check Button
Manual Coupon Activation

Enables salespeople to view and apply coupons directly at the POS from the actions button without needing to scan them.

The second toggle displays the button directly on the main POS screen.

Settings > POS
Login After Each Transaction Automatically log the salesperson out of the POS after each transaction. Settings > POS
Manager Required Select the dropdown arrow to expand Manager Only Settings. Settings > POS
Open Add/Remove Points Restricts the ability to manually add/remove points from a customer profile to managers only. Settings > POS > Manager Required
No Sale Restricts no sale to managers only. Settings > POS > Manager Required
Safe Drops Restricts safe drops to managers only. Settings > POS > Manager Required
Void Invoice Restricts voiding invoices to managers only. Settings > POS > Manager Required
Void Individual Lines Restricts voiding individual lines to managers only. Settings > POS > Manager Required
Refund Restricts refunds to managers only. Also specifies a refund limit. Settings > POS > Manager Required
Add Name Button Enables salespeople to add a customer name to the receipt/transaction when the customer is set as the walk in customer. Setting > POS
Full Screen Parked Invoices Allows retrieving parked invoices via a dedicated navigation option. For stores with a large quantity of parked invoices or using a special tablet interface connected to GlobalTill. Settings > POS
Scan Out Invoice

When parked transactions are in use, Checkout button will be disabled until all items are scanned at the POS to verify it matches the parked transaction.

Settings > POS
Show Employee Name Displays the name of the employee who started the shift as a widget at the POS. Settings > POS
Gift Card Length Specify the length of gift card numbers.  Settings > POS
Return Info Select the dropdown arrow to expand Return Information Settings. Settings > POS
Require Detailed Return Info Requires the cashier to collect return information on any return transactions. Settings > POS > Return Info
Reasons for Return Reason code and name of reason code. Settings > POS > Return Info
Required Fields for Return Specify what fields are required for processing a return transaction. Settings > POS > Return Info
Allow Manager to Override Allows manager user accounts to bypass return information collection requirement. Settings > POS > Return Info
List of SKUs that do not Require Return Info Specify which SKUs do not require any return info. If the invoice only contains these SKUs then we do not collect return info. Settings > POS > Return Info
Restrict Sale Pricing to Customer Only Only apply sales pricing to named customers, not Walk In Customers. Settings > POS
Allow Discount Stacking Allows multiple discounts to stack on top of one another. Settings > POS
Restrict Changing Quantities  Prevents salespeople from changing the quantities of a product on a transaction. Settings > POS
Tax Modification Button Enables a tax modification button at the POS. Settings > POS 
Override Tax Rate Specifies the tax rate that will override the regular tax rate on a transaction when the tax modification button is selected. Settings > POS
Quick Add Keep Open Keeps the quick add dialogue open until manually closed. Used for adding multiple items from Quick Add at once. Settings > POS
Force Assign Discount Code Requires salesperson to select a reason code when using an open percent or dollar discount. Settings > POS
Set Salesperson at POS Enables "Sale By" button at the POS to allow crediting a sale to a different salesperson. Settings > POS
Combine Line Items Combines identical products into a single line item. Settings > POS
Quick Service Displays an optimized POS screen with an additional side menu for quick sales. Settings > POS
Quick Add Drawer Display setting for the Quick Service menu. Settings > POS
Integrated Debit/Credit Provider  The payment processor if using an integrated payment terminal. Settings > Payment
Terminal Connection For GlobalTill to connect to your debit terminal, configure these settings here to match the IP of your terminal. The IP of your debit terminal can be found on the device itself and instructions vary by manufacturer. Fields include IP Address, Port and Merchant ID. Settings > Payment
Auto Close Batch (Auto Settle) Automatically closes the batch when cashing out. When disabled, a manual close must be performed or you must contact your payment provider to setup auto batch/settlement close. Settings > Payment
Quick Tender Button

Enable and set the values of the quick tender buttons when using the cash payment method at the POS.

The second toggle enables an exact cash button.

Settings > Payment
Points Based Discounting

GlobalTill's default loyalty program allows for points to be earned on purchases and then redeemed—this function replaces standard points redemptions with a fixed discount for every specified number of points earned.

For example, if you set points needed to 500 and discount percentage to 10%, then every 500 points a discount of 10% will be available to the customer.

Note: This function completely removes the ability to pay with points from the payment screen.

Settings > Payment
Charge to Account Button Makes the charge to account button available to manager user accounts only. Settings > Payment
Auto Print Automatically trigger the receipt to print without salesperson input. Note: some types of receipts cannot be suppressed and will automatically print regardless of this setting (e.g. debit terminal merchant copies). Settings > Printing
Stay on Print Screen Keeps receipts visible until the Done button is pressed or another product is scanned to start a new transaction. Settings > Printing
Print Receipt on Void Print a receipt copy when the user voids a transaction at the POS. Prints "SALE VOIDED - DO NOT PAY" on the receipt. Settings > Printing
Print Customer Name Print the customer name on the receipt, doesn't work with the Walk In Customer. Settings > Printing
Print Order Number Print order number on customer receipts. Settings > Printing
Print Return Info Collection Print additional area on return/refund receipts to capture customer name, phone and signature as well as employee name and signature. Settings > Printing
Print QR Code Print QR code on receipt. The QR code can be used to lookup the original transaction in the backend or optionally validate a return. Settings > Printing
Customer Receipt Type Selection of default or custom customer receipts. Settings > Printing
Do Not Print Customer Receipts Disable printing of customer receipts. Settings > Printing
Open Cash Drawer Shows a button to open the cash drawer. Settings > Printing
Print Gift Receipts Displays a Gift Receipt button at the POS. Gift receipts display an itemized copy of the purchase without any purchase price or financial information included on the receipt. Settings > Printing
OS Print Settings Due to differences in printer manufacturers and drivers you may need to adjust these settings to increase or decrease the size of your receipts. If your receipts are getting cut off by the printer, you can increase the padding value.  Settings > Printing
Silent Printing When enabled, GlobalTill will print directly to the systems default printer without a print dialog box appearing. Settings > Printing
Direct Printer Interface When enabled, GlobalTill will print directly to a serial or network based printer. Settings > Printing
Printer Type and Interface For network printers, interface is the IP address. For serial printers, interface should be set to the COM/LPT port for on Windows or Unix based systems. Settings > Printing
Skip Cash Receipts  Skip printing receipts for cash transactions, salespeople can still hit Print to obtain a copy. Settings > Printing
Store Name Width/Height Set the height and width of the store name on receipts. Settings > Printing
Special Operations Buttons to redownload store data and to reinitialize products. Idle status display. Settings > Admin
Lock Settings Lock settings saves the current configuration so that it can be restored if a reset is performed or if the system is migrated to new hardware. You should lock settings after any changes are made in this settings area to ensure they are preserved. Settings > Admin
Download Settings Download current POS settings in a JSON file. Settings > Admin
Training Mode Enters training mode. Sales made during training mode will not be saved and are not recoverable. If you use an integrated payment terminal, it also needs to be in training mode otherwise a live charge will be processed on any cards used with the machine. When you sell a gift card in training mode, you will not be able to redeem it. Settings > Admin
Customer Display Opens a secondary display window to be used with a customer facing monitor. After clicking Toggle Customer Display, drag the new window to your secondary monitor and maximize it. Settings > Admin
Store Logo Where to select the store logo that is displayed on the POS. Settings > Admin
Advertisement Images Folder Link to file folder containing advertisements, if used on the customer facing display. Settings > Admin
Time to Display each Advertisement (in seconds) The time (in seconds) each advertisement will be displayed on the customer facing screen. Settings > Admin
Solink Configure the IP address and port of your Solink device for GlobalTill to transmit transaction & select other data. Settings > Admin
Auto Logout When enabled, the current user will be automatically logged out when the POS has been idle for 3 minutes. Settings > Admin
Auto Refresh Controls auto-refresh behavior of the GlobalTill application, when enabled the POS will periodically refresh. Settings > Admin
Scan Invoice List  Show scan out list to allow staff members to scan out an invoice to ensure product given matches product sold as an additional verification step. Settings > Admin
Order List  Displays GT Customer Orders. Settings > Admin
Dedicated Picking Station When enabled, this hides all navigation items except the Scan Invoice List. Settings > Admin
Auto Updater Enabled When enabled, each time the POS station opens it'll check to see if there's a new update. And if you have auto updates enabled when you're done for the day and close the POS station, the update will be applied automatically. Settings > Admin


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