I received the same supplier invoice twice, can I delete one?



I received the same supplier invoice twice, can I delete one?


You can delete supplier invoices that are open or unposted by opening the supplier invoice and selecting Actions > Delete.

Supplier invoices that have been posted can't be deleted—but they can be reversed. If you've accidentally received and posted the same invoice twice, reverse the duplicate by following these steps.

  1. Select Purchasing > Supplier Invoices.
  2. Open the invoice you wish to reverse by clicking on it.
  3. Select Actions > Reverse.


  4. You will be directed back to the supplier invoice screen where you will see an invoice labeled as REVERSED. This is an exact copy of the original supplier invoice but with negative quantities.


  5. Open the REVERSED invoice, and then select Actions > Post and Receive.


More Information

For more information, see the articles How to reverse and edit a supplier invoice and How to reverse one line on a posted supplier invoice.

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