FAQ - Click and collect integrations

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This support article has been created for integration partners who may participate in support requests from shared GlobalTill clients. This article focuses primarily on cannabis, but the basic fundamentals apply to most integrations.


Is there a main database with all products shared and accessible to all members of a retail organization, regardless of their location? 


This will vary by organization. Depending on set-up, retailers may work from a multi or single store environment. As a general rule of thumb, most clients with multiple locations work from a centrally managed main environment which houses all product data. Typically, not all members of an organization have access to the main environment.

If a GlobalTill enduser reaches out, it's best to confirm if they are working from a single store or multi store location first.

  • Single store users have product information contained to one environment. Troubleshooting is based on data in that environment only.
  • Multi store users have access to a specific dataset pushed out from their organization's main environment. Troubleshooting multi store user inquiries is based on data in both the local and main environments.


What does order fulfillment look like in GlobalTill?


The order fulfillment process is dependent on how the integration is set up. Talk to your development team to confirm the nature of your integration. Fulfillment will likely fall under one of the following.

Orders sent to the POS

Orders sent to the GT Backend

    • Selling > Customer Orders
      • The orders can be paid or unpaid, and require manual processing. For more information on processing a customer order, see the article How to process a customer order.
    • Selling > Invoices
      • These orders often come in fully paid, with little to no processing involved.
      • The paid invoice will simply appear under Selling > Invoices. This type of setup can be difficult to manage as there are visibility limitations as to where an order is sitting in the fulfillment cycle. Refer to the organization's operational guidelines to determine the troubleshooting and fulfillment processes. 


Where does a retailer enter the product name in GlobalTill?


The product name is entered into the Product Name* field on the basic information tab on a product's information page. Access this field from a product's details page by selecting Actions > Edit Product from the top right corner. Entry/edit access is accessible only from single store environments or from the main environment in a multi store set up. 

The API endpoint for product name is product_name.

All users, including those in a local environment in a multi store set up, can confirm a product name on a product's details page. The product name is located in the top right.


Can product names vary between main and local environments?


No. The main environment syncs the product name as-is to linked locations. The product name in the main environment will be an exact match to the name in the local environment.


Can retail price vary between main and local environments?


Yes. The retail price field is flexible. Retailers have the option to set prices centrally and send into local environments via price zones for a group of stores, or to a single store. Some enterprise clients have a mix of price zone and single store pricing. 


If there are multiple batches of the same product, will they have the same SKU number?


Yes. The batch is recorded as part of a SKU's product details. This is recorded when the product is received but is not directly accessible from the GlobalTill user interface.


Where does a retailer enter the price in GlobalTill? Are there any additional fields for special pricing tiers?


A product's retail price is entered in the Retail Price field on the pricing tab on a product's information page. Typically, multi store environments upload prices to the main environment in bulk and sync to local environments based on price zone.

In all environments, the current retail price is reflected on the pricing tab of a product's details page in the field Retail Price. The API endpoint for the retail price is retail_price.

A product's sale price is entered into GlobalTill through the promotions menu. If a product is on sale, there will be an additional On Sale Now Price field on the pricing tab above the regular retail price field. The API endpoint for the sale price is sale_price.


GlobalTill does provide Price Book functionality to offer customer based discounts, although the use case varies. Please reach out to GlobalTill Support for more information on if your integration supports the use of Price Book pricing.


What is the web name field referenced in the API? How is this different from the product name and what is this predominantly used for?


The web name is the consumer-friendly product name displayed on the web and select in-store signage. The web name is usually shorter than the product name and does not include qualifiers often used in retail naming conventions, such as size or strain. When the web name field is left blank, the product name field is referenced by default. 


Are units deducted from inventory when an order is received in GlobalTill or when the transaction is completed?


When an order is parked at the POS, or in the Customer Order List in the GT Backend, the inventory status for each product on the order changes from Available for Sale to Dedicated to Customers. When the transaction is posted, inventory is deducted from the main inventory location. 

Review inventory status on the inventory tab of a product's details page. In the below, we have 43 units total, 4 units are reserved for customer orders and 39 are available for sale.



How does a product get passed through the API? Is it just an Active flag on the item? Is it tied to an inventory room that also has to be set to Active?


The web product flag in the product's attributes determines whether or a not the product will pass through the API. If a product is missing from your integration, confirm web product status is enabled by looking for the Web Data tab on the product's details page.


If there is no Web Data tab, advise the client to enable web product status for this product. See the article How to enable web product status for instructions.


What lab results are collected in the POS and how do they come through the API?


Lab results are pushed into GlobalTill through another integration partner and are not available in the API by default. We anticipate this being available in the near future.


Does GlobalTill have global and/or category threshold settings?


There are no threshold settings aside from the federally mandated 30 gram purchase limit for products with an equivalent grams value > 0.01.

Some retailers opt to set up quantity buffers per category to ensure walk-in retail operations will not affect other channels. To check if a connected quantity buffer is in place, first find out the name of the top level category for the product in question, then go to Products > Product Management > Category Manager. Select the category name and refer to the Connecter quantity buffer* field.

In the example below, there is a two unit buffer applied to all products in the Edibles category. This means there must be at least three units in the inventory location Available for Sale for the product to be reflected as in stock via the integration channel.



Does GlobalTill have purchase limit settings?


GlobalTill enforces a purchase limit of 30 grams to be compliant with federal government legislation, provided a product has accurate and complete product data.


How do specials work in GlobalTill?


See the article How to create a sale for information on setting up and managing promotions in GlobalTill.

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