How to apply a price book to a customer profile by category

  Before you start

Make sure the price book is created first. For more information, see the article How to create a price book.

How To

How do I give a customer special pricing on a specific category of products only?

Follow these steps

Special pricing is used to give a customer a pricing exception on a category of products. The special price will override any other price book or retail pricing.

  1. Select Customers > List.
  2. Locate the customer you want to apply the price book to and select View Customer.

  3. From the Special Pricing tab, select Add Special Price.
  4. Select the Price Book and the Category you want to apply from their respective drop-downs. Select Submit.

More Information

For information on assigning a price book price to all purchases made under a customer account, see the article How to apply a price book to a customer profile.

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