How to enable the sale and redemption of gift cards

  Heads up

This article applies to the sale and redemption of in-store gift cards. For more information on web gift cards, see the article What is a GT web gift card.

  Before you start

Before setting up a gift card product, add the gift card prefix in GT Backend. For more information, see the article How to assign a barcode prefix to initiate gift card redemption at the POS.

How To

How do I set up in-store gift card sales and redemption in GlobalTill?

Follow these steps

To enable the sale or redemption of gift cards in GlobalTill, you must first create a gift card product and then designate the gift card product as the Default Gift Card in Store Settings. Follow these steps.

Create the gift card product

  1. Select Products > List.
  2. Select Actions > New Product.
  3. Set up the Gift Card SKU exactly as shown below.
    UI Field Entry
    Product Code Any SKU number, we recommend using a designated gift card SKU like GC.
    Product Name A descriptive name, like Gift Card.
    Category Must be SYSTEM.
    Auto Add Deposit Uncheck the Auto Add Deposit box,
    Is Active Check the Is Active box.
    Is Inventoried Uncheck the Is Inventoried box.
    Is For Sale Check the Is For Sale box.
    Apply Tax To Product Uncheck the Apply Tax to Product box.
    Gift Card Product Check the Gift Card Product box.
    Barcode Leave the barcode field blank. The barcode will be scanned at the time each individual gift card is sold.
    Web Product Uncheck the Web Product box. See the article What is a GT web gift card for information on selling gift cards online.
  4. Confirm the gift card product settings match the above and select Submit.

Assign the gift card SKU as the Default Gift Card in the store settings

  1. Select Settings > Store Settings.
  2. Select Edit Store.
  3. Select the Register Settings tab.
  4. Under Default Gift Card, select the gift card product you created in step 1.

Redownload store data on the POS to sync changes

The last step after configuring your store for gift card use is to sync the changes from the GT backend to the POS. To do this, simply enter "..1" into the pinpad on the POS login screen.

For detailed instructions on how to sync changes from the GT backend to the POS, see the article How to redownload store data.

Frequently asked questions

  1. I've followed these steps but when I try to sell a GC, I'm getting an error message that says "There is no gift card product configured for this store."
    If you've set up the GC SKU and assigned it as the store's default gift card product, double check that you've redownloaded the store data. Enter "..1" into the POS pinpad and try selling the GC again.

More Information

For more information, see the following articles:

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