SLGA Monthly Cannabis Reporting

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This article is for Saskatchewan cannabis retailers. Reporting definitions adapted from the SLGA's Cannabis Reporting Manual.

To participate in the Government of Canada’s Cannabis Tracking System, licensed retail and wholesale operators must ensure they track, report, and submit sales and inventory data to the SLGA monthly.

GlobalTill offers automated cannabis reporting solutions. However, inaccurate or incomplete product data, incorrect inventory adjustments, and other operational errors may create errors in your reporting.

To help you better understand the SLGA compliance report and how it relates to GlobalTill, we've created this reference guide.

SLGA report fields

Summary of fields in the SLGA regulatory report with definition, mandatory condition, and example format.

SLGA Field Definition Mandatory Example Format
Site ID Reporting Party’s SLGA assigned Site ID. Mandatory SKR1001-01

Timestamp in the format [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss].

Can leave the hours, minutes, and seconds as zeros if not available.

Mandatory 2021-01-01 12:00:00
Transaction ID The unique transaction identifier such as a transaction number or code, or invoice number or purchase order number. Mandatory for all transaction types except Opening and Closing Inventory. eakcf2b6-5c64-9kk0-4d0g-6a9e286c766c

The product's UPC in GS1 format. The Compliance Code in GT.

Add leading 0 (zeros) to any GTIN shorter than 14 characters.

Mandatory 00842572004181
Display Name

Product name used to identify the specific product.

The Name/Description in GT.

Mandatory Edison - Ice Cream Cake - 3.5g
Transaction Code One of the SLGA pre-defined transaction codes. Mandatory 500001
Transaction Type One of the SLGA the pre-defined transaction types. Mandatory Opening inventory

Number of retail units involved in the transaction.

This is at the 'each' level, not cases or pallets.

Mandatory field for all transaction types OR 0 (zero) value for Nil report. 50
Unit Cost The unit cost of the items. Mandatory field for all transaction types OR 0 (zero) value for Nil report. 10.99
Unit Price The unit price of the items. Mandatory field for all transaction types OR 0 (zero) value for Nil report. 15.99
System Name of the system used to generate this report, in this case, GlobalTill. Mandatory GT
Note Notes explaining transactions, if necessary. Optional and free text field. Counted stock and found one more than expected.

SLGA transaction types

Accepted SLGA transaction types and related code, definition and how the data is pulled from GlobalTill.

Transaction Type Transaction Code Definition GT Mapping
Opening inventory 500001

Cannabis products in inventory on the first day of the reporting period.

To be reported for all corresponding closing inventory in a reporting month even if it zero.

Opening inventory
Closing inventory 500002

The amount of packaged cannabis held in inventory at the site on the last day of the reporting period.

To be reported for all corresponding opening inventory in a reporting month even if it zero.

Closing inventory
Additions - Purchased 100001

Cannabis products purchased from any authorized sources.

Products in transit at time of reporting should be included only if they are legally owned by the permitted business as of the last day of the reporting period.

Sum of posted unit quantity form supplier invoices.
Additions - Transferred 100002 Cannabis products transferred from another facility listed on the same permit (for example, from off-site storage to a retail store) or received at no cost from a registered supplier or permitted cannabis business. Sum of transfers in (TR).
Additions - Other 100006

Additions to inventory that are not applicable to any other category.

Generally, this category should be used for small inventory adjustments that cannot be accommodated elsewhere in the report including samples, adjustments stemming from inventory audits, and various inventory corrections.

Sum of positive inventory transactions type A (Adjustment) or C (Count).
Additions - Returns 100007 Cannabis products returned to inventory as a result of customer returns (including product that is to be subsequently returned to a supplier or destroyed). Sum of negative invoice line items (aka customer returns).
Reductions - Retail Sale 200001 Retail sales to consumers who were present at the store location at the time of purchase or pick-up. Sum of positive sales where type is not web or wholesale.
Reductions - To Retailer 200002

Sales from a registered supplier or a business permitted to sell cannabis in Saskatchewan to a cannabis retail store permittee.

Products in transit at time of reporting should be included only if they are legally owned by the registered or permitted business as of the last day of the reporting period.

Sum of positive sales where type is wholesale.
Reductions - Online Sale 200004

Retail sales made online that results in cannabis being shipped to a retail consumer.

This does not include sales made online where the cannabis product was picked up by the consumer in-store.

Sum of positive sales where type is web.
Reductions - Return 200005 Cannabis returned to the supplier (for example, stale-dated inventory and recalls). Sum of negative posted supplier invoice unit quantities.
Reductions - Transfer 200006 Cannabis products transferred to another facility listed on the same permit (for example, from off-site storage to a retail store) or provided at no cost to a permitted cannabis business and may include free samples provided for product knowledge purposes. Sum of transfers out (TR).
Reductions - Destroyed 200008

Cannabis that has been disposed of after having been rendered unfit for human consumption.

Cannabis should only be reported as destroyed once it has been destroyed.

Sum of all inventory transactions where type is D (Destruction).
Reductions - Lost/Stolen 200009 Cannabis that has been lost or stolen. Sum of all inventory transactions where type is A (Adjustment) with cause Lost/Stolen.
Reductions - Other 200010

Reductions to inventory that are not applicable to any other category.

Generally, this category should be used for small inventory adjustments that cannot be accommodated elsewhere in the report including samples, adjustments stemming from inventory audits, and various inventory corrections.

Sum of negative inventory transactions type A (Adjustment) or C (Count).
NIL Report 300001 To be used when a permit or registration has no activity to report in a reporting period. N/A

SLGA validation requirements

All submissions are required to be in CSV format. Failing to meeting any of the SLGA validation requirements will cause your upload to fail. 

Rule # Validations for input files (CSV) Outcome
Rule 1

a) Current month opening and last month closing inventory quantities exceed 5% variance.

[Current month Opening Inventory quantity > (5% of Previous month Closing Inventory quantity)].

b) GTIN reported as having a closing inventory (greater than zero) in the previous month must have an opening inventory in current month.

Does not apply if it is for the first time submitter (first month submission for a new permittee or a new supplier).

Rule 2

Closing inventory within a month not equal to Opening + Additions - Reductions (Quantity must be exact match).

[Closing Inventory quantity ≠ Opening Inventory quantity + Additions quantity – Reductions quantity]
Rule 5

Invalid Site ID or Blank Site ID or Multiple Site IDs.

Enter your site ID in GT under Liquor license number.

Settings > Store Setting > Edit Store > Liquor & Cannabis tab > Liquor license number

Rule 7 Fail if any of the below field(s) is blank:
  • Site ID
  • Timestamp
  • Transaction ID
  • Product Display Name. Enter N/A (or any character) value for Nil report.
  • Transaction Code
  • Transaction Type
  • Quantity. Enter 0 (zero) value for Nil report.
  • Unit Cost. Enter 0 (zero) value for Nil report.
  • Unit Price. Enter 0 (zero) value for Nil report.
  • System
Rule 13 Exceeds maximum limits on characters or digit length. Fail
Rule 15 User submits report for future period. Verify report parameters are correct. Fail
Rule 17 No data/report found in file. Verify report parameters are correct. Fail

Generating the SLGA Compliance Report in GlobalTill

Generate the SLGA Consolidated Compliance Report in the GT Backend under the Beta Reporting menu. Follow these steps to generate the report.

  1. Go to Reporting (Beta) > Report List > Cannabis.
  2. Select SLGA Consolidated Compliance.
  3. Select the Report format, and enter the Date range. Select Submit.

      Heads up

    Select CSV format to generate the report for direct submission to the SLGA. Select Excel format for a user-friendly diagnostic report. SLGA accepts reports in CSV format only.

Navigating the SLGA Consolidated Compliance Report from GlobalTill

CSV version

Use the CSV version of the SLGA Consolidated Compliance Report to submit to the SLGA.

Do not make any modifications to the CSV file before submission. Do not open the CSV file and re-save it. Re-saving the CSV file may cause the program to auto-reformat the timestamp and convert the GTIN into scientific notation. This will result in your report being rejected by the SLGA. To review or troubleshoot your report, generate in Excel and make the required changes within GlobalTill, then re-generate a new CSV copy of the report for submission.

Excel version

Use the Excel version of the SLGA Consolidated Compliance Report for troubleshooting and data review.

The Compliance Diagnostic report is located on the first tab. Use this tab to diagnose potential problems like negative values and missing compliance data before submission to the SLGA. For more information about the Diagnostic report, see the article How to use the Cannabis Compliance Diagnostic Report.

The SLGA Compliance report is located on the second tab. This summarizes product-level data points and inventory activity that is required by the SLGA.

The report identifier is the 8 character code located in the file name of your report. This code is used by Support to access previously generated reports direct from the database to ensure review of the exact output and parameters used at the time of generation. Include this code in support requests about your SLGA Compliance Report.


Frequently asked questions

  1. The Site ID column has no values in my report. Where do I enter it?
    Enter the Site ID in your settings in the field Liquor license number. Follow the UI path: Settings > Store Setting > Edit Store > Liquor & Cannabis tab > Liquor license number. You must be logged in with an Admin user account to access store settings.
  2. My GTIN column is missing values for specific products. Where do I enter it?
    The GTIN column references the value entered in a product's compliance code field. If you are missing GTINs in your report, update the product's compliance code and run your report again. See the articles, How to enter or edit a compliance code in a single store environment or How to enter or edit a compliance code in the main environment.
  3. My product has a value in GlobalTill under Barcode/UPC but the GTIN field in the SLGA report is blank. Why?
    The GTIN in SLGA compliance reporting is pulled from the compliance code field in GT, this is a separate data point from the barcode fields listed on the Barcodes tab. See FAQ #2, or the article, What is the difference between a barcode and a compliance code.
  4. My GTIN is not accepted due to character length. How do I fix this?
    Add leading zeros to the compliance code in GT for any GTIN shorter than 14 characters. See the articles, How to enter or edit a compliance code in a single store environment or How to enter or edit a compliance code in the main environment.
  5. How do I review a product's inventory history in GlobalTill?
    Open the product in GlobalTill and select the Inventory tab. The lower portion of this tab is the Recent Transactions section where you can select Search Transactions to review all historical inventory transactions. For more information, see the article How to review inventory transactions.
  6. Why are products missing from my SLGA report?
    The SLGA report filters out SKUs with an equivalent grams value less than 0.01. If cannabis products are missing from your report, double check that the compliance data is accurate and complete. For more information, see the article How to enter or edit equivalent grams.
  7. My SLGA Report from GlobalTill is in XLSX format. Does it have to be a CSV file in order to submit?
    Yes, the SLGA only accepts reports in CSV format. Regenerate the report and ensure you select CSV format. If you need to make adjustments to the Excel report, use the Move or Copy Sheet command to move the entire SLGA Report worksheet into a new workbook, then save the new workbook in CSV format. 
  8. Why are the opening and closing inventory balances missing for some products?
    This means there are products in your database with activity for the period that have been deactivated in GlobalTill. Set the products to active and regenerate the report.
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